Thursday 9 March 2017

Factors that affect and risks associated with work-life conflict

Factors affected and risks associated with work-life conflict

Work load is grasping our lives in today’s competitive environment, an imbalance between personal and professional life can cause harm to many factors and birth to many risks.

Though work should not be overlooked due to any reasons but it is obvious that unnecessary prioritizing work can negatively affect our family relationships, due to which our parents, spouse and kids doesn’t get enough of our attention (David, 2011). This leads to more stress, fatigue, deprived sleep, and ultimately lower energy to devote time to them. (Causes of Stress, n.d.) Ultimate purpose of each individual working is to achieve hi/her goals, earning a reputable position and leading a luxurious and lavish lifestyle and for all this a lot of sacrifices are made but there is no sense of compromising your family because all that we do is to satisfy them. (Siddiqui, 2013)  Moreover, our career can be targeted as well due to excessive work load there are chances to miss your dead line or the quality of work done gets affected. (Peter Burg, 1999) Excessive work load can aim your health and wellness causing physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. It can lead to employee absenteeism, employee turnover rate, reduced morale of employees more chances of accidents. (The difficulty of balancing work and family life, n.d.)

Both personal and professional life shall not be contradictory but complimentary to each other. Having a fruitful career by negotiating our personal life is not at all a healthy sign. In future having a vibrant personal and family life is an element of success. Though keeping a balance among two is not that easy but sincere actions can lead to satisfactory results. (Effect on Family Life, n.d.)


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