Thursday 9 March 2017

Importance in Balane in work and life

Balance is a key to success

Balance means to offset the value of two things and compare them

Work-life balance is a notion involving prioritizing between work [career, goals, aim and ambition] and lifestyle [well-being, fitness, health, pleasure, mental satisfaction, leisure, family and social-life. It is the favorable settlement of on-the-job and private time to facilitate personal and professional satisfaction without negatively affecting productivity and professional success. (Bird, 2003) It indicates a person’s ability to manage commitments for work and personal life simultaneously. Work Life Balance does not mean balancing perfectly [like an effort to schedule an equal number of hours for all the personal and professional stuff]. So, it’s like being practical as there should be flexibility in life. Factors affecting this balance are workplace and working conditions, like the flexibility and number of working hours, sufficient time off, an appropriate workload and wellness initiatives in the workplace such as yoga classes and  mindfulness training. (Virtual Medical Center, n.d.)The level to which an organization encourages a consistency between the professional and personal lives of employees is mostly an impact of management styles. ROWE [RESULTS-ONLY WORKPLACE] approach allow employees to manage their personal and social lives in a way they want as far as they are fulfilling their professional targets. Enhancing work-life balance appears to be efficient to most of the employers. Federal Reserve Bank conducted a study that proved work-life balance enhances employee productivity by 10.6due to reduced absenteeism, increased degree of employee involvement, all these ultimately leads to achievement of desired goals. (Davidson, 2014)

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